Monday, May 28, 2012

Fort Williams

Last weekend the ol family and I went out to have a picnic lunch at Fort williams park in cape elizabeth. My brother in-law and his mini family came as well. Named after Brevet Major General Seth Williams, Fort Williams grew to be a tremendous military asset during World War II. Besides protecting the shoreline of Cape Elizabeth, the infantry and artillery units provided the Harbor Defense for Portland.Fort Williams has managed to maintain some of its historic past Along with the various batteries is Goddard Mansion. Fort Williams is also home to one of maine's oldest light house Portland Head Light.  There ya go ..your history lesson for the day.. when visiting Fort williams there is a nice coastal path that goes around the park the view is pretty amazing, you can tour portland head light, they have a museum inside which is interesting and you can explore a few of the forts. It doesn't cost anything to get in and they have quiet a bit of parking.

 I have been going to for williams for years. When i was younger you were able to walk through the mansion or castle as my daughter would call it, now they have it all fenced off which is kinda a bummer. when i was younger you didn't have to worry about reading gang signs and tj+sam 4 ever sprayed all over the wall, or worry about stepping in human waste from people living in the forts. That really annoys me ..I mean thank god my kid doesn't know how to read and No actually tu- pac wasn't around during World War II, guess thats what happens when your raised on MTV. Sorry don't let my end rambling scare you away from visiting this historic place. Aside from the teenage antics written all over the place it really is a great place to have a nice picnic and enjoy a fantastic view. Oh and Bonus Red Ice Cream Barn is right up the road for a tasty treat on the way home. 

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