Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Trail Walk

This past weekend adventure brought us to ferry beach state park in Saco. My mother, brother, sister in-law and niece joined us for a nice mothers day trail walk. The trails are stroller friendly however this time we left them in the car and decided to let the girls burn off some energy. I love the trails at this place they have all these little bridges and everything is clearly marked, and if we had bikes it would be a perfect little cruise..note to self invest in bikes...

The girls collected sticks and rocks, chased after each other, and mark looked for fiddle heads. the trail is not very long at all maybe 1.4miles which took us about 45mins cause we had to take several stops to draw in the dirt or pick up rocks. Livy did great during the walk she finished and was interested in what was going on, my niece is about 1.5 years old she did really well too although she would ask to be picked up or she would take a break in the middle of the trail which didn't bother us at all cause we weren't on a schedule. We went there just to walk however they do have picnic areas, places to fish and of course the beach, oh and bonus they have bathrooms! The do have a fee for entering the park its 4.00 for maine residents and 6.00 for non maine residents. Still pretty inexpensive for a full day of fun. 

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