Friday, May 4, 2012

Owls say Whoo!

Sunday we met my in-laws out at Wolfe's Neck State Park one of the many state parks I  haven't been to..or at least don't remember ever being to. Bonus for us that weekend was Feathers over Freeport, they had craft making stations for kids, they were able to make Owl masks, their own binoculars, wind chimes, and various bird pictures to color. Along with touch boxes different bird calls to hear, and several kid friendly books about birds and other outdoor animals that were available for the public to read to on the lawn. They offered bird watching walks along with a presentation from Wind over wings where speakers talked about owls, they had a few owls that had been injured and are no longer able to be released into the wild due to their injury that they were able to bring and show the crowd it was pretty cool to see them up close. The trails that we walked were for the most part stroller friendly and offered several points along the trail to stop and look at the osprey nests or an eagle nest, along with the chance to go off trail down to the salt marsh tide pools to explore. we enjoyed a nice picnic lunch on one of the many picnic tables they have to offer looking out into the marsh

For the most part Exploring Wolfe Neck with a two year old.. wasn't bad at all. The trails were easy for her to walk she did not want to ride in the stroller, so the Men took turns pushing it through the woods(heavy machinery and all), although one point she did stop and tell me "olivia take a nap now" and laid down on the trail, so I'm glad we didn't pack the stroller in the car. She really enjoyed looking through the tide pools with a few of the older kids that were there, they were sweet they showed her some baby jellyfish they found and skipped stones. She actually enjoyed it so much that we had to carry her out of there kicking and screaming. nothing like a screaming toddler to ruin your scenic bird watching walk. Once back on the trail she was fine enjoyed looking at the bird nests and yelling at the dog to stop chasing squirrels'. By the time we got back to the picnic area for the owl show it was 2pm well past nap time and she had more interest in jumping off the picnic table into the mud then listening to the ladies talk about owls. From what I heard it was all very informative stuff and the owls were really cool to see up close, however we ended up having to leave earlier so the rest of the visitor could enjoy the show.

All and all great place to have a picnic lunch explore and have a nice walk if you have small children, The owl show was very informative but not for a two year old I thought they took to long to bring out the actual owls so if you are really into going to see an owl show leave the two year old at home or expect to only make it half way through.

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