Caution: I have had three Grown up drinks while writing this it may be all over the place..

Not every adventure is a magical nature walk or a whimsical theme park trip. Life is an adventure in its self. Take for example today. Just another typical day in the Holmes household, both me and my husband had 8am appointments, he needed a teeth cleaning and I needed to go to the doctors about a foot problem I have been having. Oh yeah and we had the 3 years. We did what any normal married couple would do in a situation like this and played rock, paper, scissors to see who was going to have to take her with them to their appointment. I lost...rock always gets me. The husband ran up the street to put gas in my car for me and I was left running around the house trying to get dressed and get the mini beast dressed, and trying to feed her something so I didn't feel like a horrible parent rushing her out of the house without giving their kid breakfast. I finally get a mini me to sit down and eat an english muffin. So I can play a game of candy crush and finish my coffee while I wait for the husband to come back. Out of now where in full drama mood my daughter runs out into the kitchen telling me she has a button in her nose. I look.. I see nothing.. I tell her, "you're fine there is nothing up there".. *Insert mother of the year award here* she goes back to eating her breakfast and watching some obnoxious cartoon singing about how sharing is caring.. I continue to play candy crush cause lets face it..its crack. I look at the clock I have 5mins to leave to get there early and she comes back.."mama there is a button in my nose and it hurts". I amuse her by giving her a tissue and telling her to blow. Well I'll be damned there was a button in her nose and it was STUCK!

THis is the first time i have had to deal with any object besides macaroni up the nose. I tell her to keep blowing keep blowing like it Lamaze class..she's freaking out screaming it hurts, I'm freaking out thinking shit I'm gonna miss this appointment and end up in the ER while they suck out some old vintage button from my daughters nose. As my husband and I are holding her down with a pair of tweezers trying to pull the button out, listening to sesame street playing in the back ground I thought to myself this is my life...I don't even know if my pants are clean and I'm pretty sure I just saw a bird fly out of my daughters hair...but this is it.. its not a bad thing is just not what good house keeping tells you its suppose to be. I don't know if its my new happy pills or the drinks talking but ya know what, you just have to embrace your life no matter what the situation may be. It has taken me almost 2 years to be able to say that I love and enjoy my family and its craziness, it sure is never is a dull moment.
Well I made it to my appointment 10mins late, along the way Livy telling everyone in our path that her mom had a broken foot. come to find out I did kinda have a broken foot and have to wear a "robot" boot for 2 weeks. my child is afraid of it but my toddler classroom love i
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